PrivatBank closed first half of the year with confidence, continued customers trust and supporting Ukrainian economy, as the deposits and loan portfolios grow

PrivatBank successfully completed the first half of 2023, focusing on ensuring its own financial stability and promoting macro-financial stability in the country as a whole. Supporting the policy of the National Bank of Ukraine, the bank took a balanced approach to the pricing of deposits and increased the share of time deposits of the population. The balances on fixed term deposit accounts of individuals in hryvnia increased by 18% (by UAH 6.9 billion). In general, balances on clients' accounts increased by 3.5% (by UAH 16.1 billion), which indicates high trust in the bank.

Thanks to the strong results of the retail business and the segment of business clients, the bank hit its own profit record, closing the half-year with a financial result of UAH 29.7 billion. The bank maintains high operational efficiency, maintaining uninterrupted customer service. Operating expenses remain stable under close management control.

We support the government by paying dividends and investing in government bonds. The bank was one of the first on the market to approve financial statements for 2022 with an independent auditor's report and in May transferred UAH 24.1 billion to the state budget in the form of dividends (80% of last year's profit).

The bank also met the growing demand of the population for consumer loans. The credit portfolio of individuals increased by 14% (UAH 6 billion), up to UAH 49,2 billion. The bank maintains a leading position, having increased the market share of loans to individuals up to 36% since the beginning of the year. As the main bank for millions of Ukrainians, PrivatBank has kept lending rates in the retail segment at pre-war levels, despite rising resource costs. The deposit portfolio reached UAH 354 billion, increasing the market share to 35,6%.

The Bank continues to support the economy of Ukraine by financing small and medium-sized enterprises in the sectors most important for the country's food security. The bank financed 10.3 thousand enterprises, providing new loans for UAH 15.6 billion. Since the beginning of the year, the loan portfolio of business clients has grown by 11%, which allowed the bank to enter the top three in agricultural lending.

As a socially responsible corporate citizen, the bank also actively supports the Armed Forces and the community. In the first half of the year, the bank allocated UAH 100.3 million to speed up the victory and overcome the consequences of the war. In particular, UAH 50 million was transferred to help the Armed Forces and units involved in preserving territorial integrity, UAH 25 million to liquidate the consequences of the tragedy at the Kakhovska HPP, UAH 15 million to help victims of rocket fire in Dnipro, UAH 5 million to the Superhumans Center, and UAH 5,3 million for inclusion and other humanitarian needs.

"As Ukraine’s largest state-owned bank, we understand and feel the responsibility for the country’s victory and future development. Thus, supporting the economy of Ukraine will remain our priority further on. We will continue to be a reliable business partner for millions of Ukrainians and will continue to demonstrate good results with appreciation for the trust of our customers", noted Gerhard Boesch, PrivatBank’s CEO.