A bank with a uaAA rating is characterised by very high solvency compared to other Ukrainian banks.

The rating committee of Rating Agency “Standard-Rating” assigned a long-term credit rating of uaАА to PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK”. A bank with a uaAA rating is characterised by very high solvency compared to other Ukrainian banks.

According to “Standard-Rating” agency, the bank’s nationalisation was performed in full accordance with current Ukrainian legislation and the Agency considers this process as successfully complete. PrivatBank’s nationalisation means its solvency is guaranteed by the state, meaning customers’ deposits have the highest level of security.

Assessing PrivatBank’s ongoing capital strengthening, the Agency takes into consideration the beginning of the bank’s recapitalisation and the leading role played by the state. The Agency expects that after the completion of additional capitalisation PrivatBank will greatly expand its role as the leading engine of Ukraine’s domestic economic development.

As reported by the Agency’s experts, the management of PJSC CB “PRIVATBANK” and the Supervisory Board following nationalisation are made up of specialists who are highly qualified and the widely recognised in the global banking sector. Some members of the Management Board have previously worked in senior positions in PrivatBank, which guarantees uninterrupted operational excellence going forward.

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