About the Bank

PrivatBank is the largest bank of Ukraine that moves the country forward.

We appreciate your trust

We remain a stable and reliable partner for financial affairs of Ukrainians in the most difficult times. We are trusted by more than 19 million active customers - private individuals and legal entities, and we do everything to strengthen your trust every day.

We focus on the needs of our customers

More than 1,000 branches, 5,000 ATMs and 10,000 SSTs of PrivatBank operate every day across the country. We believe that innovation should make life easier and more convenient. Therefore, we constantly improve our products, services and respond to the most demanding needs of our customers.

We build a dream country

Our goal is an economically strong Ukraine. PrivatBank is a responsible employer and one of the largest taxpayers in the country. Despite difficult times, we move the economy forward and do not stop lending to Ukrainians and businesses. In 2022, the share of PrivatBank in the retail loan portfolio increased from 26% to 32%, and businesses got new loans for UAH 23.8 billion. We work for the victory and recovery of Ukraine.

We are reporting on the things done. Integrated Annual Reports:

PrivatBank takes pride in being the largest state-owned Ukrainian bank. This status imposes a special responsibility and unique requirements on us to comply with all legal norms, at times, exceeding expectations. Our team strives for transparency in our activities because trust is the foundation of our relations with customers, businesses and all partners. That's why we publish our annual reports, which showcase PrivatBank's challenges and victories during the most turbulent times for Ukraine. Learn about us more!

Report for 2022

Report for 2023

The Bank’s Strategy

Constant changes are the major challenge which the world faces today. PrivatBank is one of the most technologically advanced banks in Ukraine. We set the trends and tendencies in the banking sector and never stop innovating. The main goal of PrivatBank is not only to be a reliable help for individual customers and businesses, but also to support the economic development of our state. We seek to be the best bank for customers, the best employer, the example of socially responsible business and an investment-attractive company. This is what the new PrivatBank’s Development Strategy until 2024 is about.

Overview of the Development Strategy of JSC CB "PrivatBank" until 2024

Code of Ethics and Business Conduct

PrivatBank adheres to the Bank’s business conduct based on the principles of legality, transparency, competence, respecting the rights and interests of customers, bank creditors, shareholder and employees, aimed at increasing the bank’s efficiency, maintaining its financial stability and profitability.

Compliance with the Code of Conduct

The Bank is intended to promote and support honest and ethical conduct. Employees, customers, creditors and other persons who have legal relations with the Bank may report on potential or actual violations of the law and the Code.

The relevant notification may be reported by:

  • sending an e-mail to help@pb.ua;
  • calling the 24/7 Support Service by the phone number published on the Bank’s official website (privatbank.ua) in the Contacts & Details section > “Contacts”.

Shareholder Relation

The Bank, in relations with the shareholder, intends to pursue a transparent policy and strictly adhere to the following principles: respect and ensure the rights of the shareholder, steadily observe its interests, timely disclose information, pursue active communication policy, increase the informational visibility and accessibility by improving the quality of reporting and accounting.

Customers Relations

The Bank strives for the highest customer service standards and the protection of the best interests of each customer; the Bank keeps developing new operations, products and directions, acknowledging the principle of a rational conservatism; seeks transparency in relations with customers, providing them with reliable information regarding its services; the Bank is interested in building long-term relationships with its customers.

Government Relations

The Bank adheres to the principle of neutrality with regard to business groups, political parties and associations and operates in the interests of depositors, customers, creditors and the shareholder. Bank employees shall conduct business affairs with government bodies avoiding a personal interest and undue influence on their decision making.

Vendor relationship

The Bank reserves the right not to cooperate with vendors/suppliers who violate the requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and the countries in which the Bank operates, including with the purpose to protect the rights of employees, their labor and observance of safety measures, to ensure environmental protection. The bank does not cooperate with vendors/suppliers who do not share the values and principles, ethical rules and business conduct of the Bank set forth in the Code of Conduct.

Employee Relations

Employees are the key to the success of the Bank. The Bank actively and consistently engages employees regardless of age, race, gender, religion, beliefs or nationality and rewards them for success; the Bank appreciates its employees, creates the conditions to enable each employee’s full professional potential; shows its respect for human dignity and personality and believes in the importance of a cooperative atmosphere and trust.

Privatbank values and principles


The Bank adheres to laws, ethical standards and the rules of fair business, fulfills its obligations and values its reputation.


Quality and Level of Service are essential factors for success. Improving customer service is the main task of all bank employees.


The Bank creates conditions for open and timely communication, healthy working microclimate, observance of safety measures. The Bank provides an opportunity for individual growth and self-affirmation; it is much interested in proper compliance with labor legislation.


Customer orientation and lucrative banking operations are the guarantee to the Bank profitability.


PrivatBank does not allow any revenge, discrimination, disciplinary sanctions and other negative consequences in relation to those who report on unacceptable behavior in the Bank.

Decision making

The Bank is convinced that in order to attain high performance results, continuous growth is required, which is achieved by the correct estimation of operation risk. Managers and employees, when making decisions, are guided by internal regulations, policies, regulatory risk appetite statements and risk limits.



Since 1992, PrivatBank has been providing a full range of banking services available in Ukraine to corporate and private customers.

To distinguish its services, the Bank uses its own trademarks, in particular, the well-known “PrivatBank”brand which is widely recognized around Ukraine. To identify payment systems, the Bank uses trademarks of the corresponding payment systems.

The detailed information about the trademarks is provided below.

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