PrivatBank’s successful experience in transferring its branch staff from outdated desktop computers to mobile tablets has inspired one of the largest British banks, Lloyds Bank. According to the BBC, Lloyds Bank announced plans to optimise hundreds of its traditional branches and move to the format of mini-offices with staff "armed" with tablets who will primarily help customers to use automatic and electronic banking systems.

As noted by the representatives of Lloyds Bank, the reason for such changes in the bank's policy was "profound changes in consumer behavior" who are increasingly conducting banking transactions online. In particular, the British bank plans to close 400 traditional branches across the UK, replacing them with modern offices similar to Apple stores in which employees will serve customers exclusively with the help of tablets.

PrivatBank introduced a new format of customer service in its branches with the help of iPads in early 2014. Using mobile tablets instead of conventional computers allows the Bank to serve customers more quickly and without queues.

With the help of iPads, employees of PrivatBank branches provide customers with the most popular services - from issuing a credit card and opening a deposit to paying for utilities and booking transport tickets. In addition, in any branch customers will be helped to download and configure PrivatBank payment applications on their personal smartphone or tablet.

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