PrivatBank is launching a large-scale campaign to expand the infrastructure of non-contact QR-payments in Ukraine. According to Chairman of PrivatBank's Board Peter Krumhansl, an active implementation of the project will enable Ukrainians to pay for any purchases using a smartphone, even if they do not have cash and a bank card. Active expansion of the QR-acquiring network this year will allow QR-payments to become as popular in Ukraine as in China, and trade and small businesses will receive the most affordable instrument for accepting non-cash payments.

“If the buyer does not have cash, the mobile phone is always with him, and payment by QR-code will take no more time than bank card payments,” said the Bank’s Chairman Peter Krumhansl. - The most popular in China and actively developing in Europe, the quick and easy way to receive contactless payments is ideal for small businesses, since it does not require extra costs from the entrepreneur or retailer. Today, more than 4,000 outlets accept non-cash payments from customers via QR-codes.”

A new service of PrivatBank “Payments by QR-code” allows buyers to pay for goods or services via the mobile application Privat24, scanning the QR-code from the poster in the outlet. To connect the service, entrepreneurs or companies simply need to go to the “Privat24 for Business” menu ("Services" - "Receiving payments" - "Payments by QR-code"). Special posters with QR-code of the outlet can be printed out from Privat24 or you can receive a file for printing by e-mail.

Recall, in May PrivatBank launched PrivatPayBot, which will help entrepreneurs and small businesses to accept payment for goods and services in a non-cash form using QR codes and the popular Telegram messenger. To use a virtual terminal, you only need to connect the bot in the messenger and your plastic card or bank account.

More details about QR-payments can be found here:

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