On August 20, PrivatBank’s Supervisory Board approved the new structure of the Management Board. According to the press service of PrivatBank, there are 8 board members in the new structure, which ensures the composition of the executive body necessary for managing the operations of the bank and successfully implementing its strategy.

PrivatBank ‘s priorities are focused on providing world class services to Individuals which now represent nearly half of all Ukrainians as well as developing and providing the full range of services and products for small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, the position of Chief Business Officer has been established.

This new position in the structure of the bank ‘s executive body is a member of the board on business development, who will be responsible for two strategic businesses, namely services for legal entities and individuals, and ensure the synergy of these areas. The new division of legal entities will include corporate clients.

PrivatBank sees its task as the development of a client focused experience based on digital services for all areas of the bank’s activity, as well as supporting the culture of innovation and high quality services among all its employees.

Taking into account this priority task, the functions of digital development have been reassigned to the Chairman of the Board, which makes it possible to eliminate the separate position of a member of the board for the development of e-business.

Thus, PrivatBank’s updated board structure today Includes the following positions:
  • Chairman of the Board,
  • Deputy Chairman of the Board (Chief Finance Officer),
  • Deputy Chairman of the Board (Chief Resolution Officer),
  • Member of the Management Board (Chief Operating Officer),
  • Member of the Management Board (Chief Risk Officer),
  • Member of the Management Board (Chief Regional Officer),
  • Member of the Board (Chief Information Officer),
  • Member of the Board (Chief Business Officer).

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