PrivatBank welcomes the decision of the Kyiv Commercial Court to close the proceedings on the claim of the former minority shareholder of PrivatBank Alexander Dubilet against PrivatBank, the Ministry of Finance and the Deposit Guarantee Fund to invalidate the agreement on the purchase of shares from 20.12.2016 and the sale and purchase agreement of 31.12.2016, on the basis of which the state of Ukraine acquired the ownership of shares of PrivatBank in late 2016.

According to the bank's press service, the court announced the introductory and operative part of the decision to close the proceedings on the basis of paragraph 7 of the final and transitional provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine to Improve Banking Regulation" № 590 dated 13.06.2020.

The press service of PrivatBank draws attention to the fact that this is the first time (taking into account the position of the Supreme Court) that the the Kyiv Commercial Court made a decision in more than 50 lawsuits initiated by the former shareholders of PrivatBank disputing its nationalization, applying the Law of Ukraine №590 from 13.06.2020.

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