During the war, PrivatBank's team stands for the financial stability of Ukraine and works to ensure smooth operation of the payment infrastructure of Ukraine. Financial frontline is as well crucially important for our victory.

The war unveiled new significant threats to all systems in Ukraine. We immediately started to work on mitigating any possible risks for our clients. We dedicated all efforts to make our customers feel safe and secure, and to not worry for their savings and funds.

PrivatBank is bank №1 in Ukraine. It is a highly modern and technologically advanced bank, one of the most advanced banks in Europe. We heavily rely on our unique IT infrastructure and banking applications. This was and remains our top priority to protect our customers’ data and funds, access to accounts and cash as PrivatBank is the undisputed leader in Ukraine.

After receiving NBU’s permission allowing the banks to store and process the data in “cloud” (dated 8 March 2022), we started one of the most challenging projects in our history.

We worked on migrating our IT systems from physical data centers to a cloud - in order to limit our dependence on physical hardware located in different regions across Ukraine from being destroyed during war. As a result, key applications of PrivatBank were successfully migrated to the cloud ensuring our clients access to financial services (banking services, access to cash).

Key facts of achievements related to migration to clouds:

  • less than 45 days was needed to achieve safety of critical applications in the cloud.
  • over 3500 servers migrated
  • over 4 petabyte of clients data & transactions uploaded into cloud
  • over 270 critical applications migrated
  • more than 460 PB’s IT staff and external involved

We would like to highlight that we do take pride in the truly titanic work that was done to secure our client’s access to financial services by our IT Team. To compare the effort and scope of work - typical projects of that complexity & size require 1,5+ years in “normal” project lifecycle of IT projects.

We acknowledge that during this period some of our customers experienced issues with payments and card transfers, which happened more often than usually. We apologize for the inconveniences caused and ask for understanding. Now we can say that everything is finally set up. It is worth to mention that less than 5% (less than 50h) of the downtime / unavailability to clients of our systems happened (the bank is working 24h 7 days a week regime)

We keep operations up and running. We focus on the stability of our services. Safety follows. We intend to continue operating in this mode further and provide the best services to our clients in the most convenient way and at the time they need them.

Press Center contacts

Head office address:
1d Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine,