Cashless Payments

Control your business accounts in “Privat24 for Business” whenever you want

Payments 24/7 without time limits
Instant payments in less than 10 seconds to accounts in other banks
Remote service and consultations

Privat24 for Business is for your payments

Privat24 for Business is for your payments

Download the application and make your payments easy 24/7

Instant Payments

Instant Payments

PrivatBank has joined the NBU instant transfer system. Now money transfers to accounts in other banks are made in less than 10 seconds. This will significantly speed up your settlements.

Instant payments can be made:

  • to accounts of partners in other Ukrainian banks (between residents);
  • for an amount of up to 100 thousand hryvnias;
  • if a payee’s bank has joined the NBU instant transfer system.

How to send an instant payment:

  1. Log in to the new web-version or the mobile app of “Privat24 for Business”
  2. Create a payment to a partner’s account in another bank.
  3. Select “Make instant payment” in the payment form.

Automatic Payments

Automatic Payments

You can assign the bank to make automatic payments. Money will be debited from the account of your enterprise within the chosen frequency: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly

When you receive the SMS notification that your funds have been debited from the account, you can check the account statement in Privat24 for Business at any time.

Payments which can be assigned to the bank include:

  • Taxes (by payment code type 101)
  • Internet, mobile communication services, etc.
  • Rental fees
  • Utilities
  • Any other services with a fixed amount
  • Balance transfer to main account
  • Repayment of loans issued in any banks
  • Replenishment of deposits

If payment details have changed, please, delete this automatic payment and create a new one.

Video instruction