Electronic reporting

Generate and submit your electronic reports and tax returns to the state regulatory authorities.

The service is free of charge for legal entities and private individuals.
Available in the web-version and in the mobile app of “Privat24 for Business”.

Benefits of Electronic Reporting

Benefits of Electronic Reporting
  • Electronic reports can be created by IEs/legal entities/entrusted persons of enterprises if they are added to the “Matrix of Authorities” in “Privat24 for Business”.
  • Electronic reporting/Tax Declaration service is free of charge for “Privat24 for Business” users.
  • Reports can be signed and submitted. A decision on the report can be received at any time via “Privat24 for Business”.
  • Electronic qualified signatures for certificates are generated in an online mode. The SmartID signature can also be used.
  • Reports can be imported from other accounting software.
  • Uploading from the STS: upload all the reports which have been accepted by the state tax service to one profile of “Privat24 for business” in just one click. If you enable the relevant checkbox by giving your consent for data processing, we will automatically upload your reports to the bank for updating.
  • Income amount for the tax declaration is calculated automatically.
  • Payments are conveniently created based on the accepted declaration. Correct payment details and tax arrears are verified.
  • “Reporting Calendar” is filled in automatically and you are informed in the “Privat24 for Business”” mobile app.
  • “Income and expense accounting book” for IEs is to record the results of the activities performed.


Signing and sending reports in the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”.

The service is available after logging into the mobile or web-version of “Privat24 for Business”.

“Reporting Calendar” to remind you about the start and end of the reporting period.

Automatic filling of company data in а report.

Automatic filling in reports by formulas.

Importing reports from other accounting systems.

Drafting reports for a group of entrepreneurs or companies from one profile.

Timely and automatic update/addition of report forms.

Receiving report acceptance receipts from the control body.

Support service helps with filling out reports correctly.

Uploading reports from the STS, which have been submitted to the tax office via other software, for sending them to the bank.

Automatic accounting of income for individual entrepreneurs in the “Income and Accounting Book”, for acquiring transactions, cash and cashless settlements.

Reporting Calendar

Reporting Calendar

“Reporting Calendar” is a service for monitoring deadlines for submitting reports to tax and statistics services.

With the “Reporting Calendar” you can:

  • make request to a tax service and get a list of reports/documents which should be submitted to controlling bodies;
  • on your own, add or delete reports/documents;
  • make request and monitor statuses for the reports submitted to a tax service;
  • set up notifications on deadlines for the report submission for either all reports or for each report individually.

“Reporting Calendar” is available in “Privat24 for Business”:

  • mobile app – the calendar icon or via the menu: “Services – Reporting Calendar”.;
  • web-version – menu: “Accounting and Reports – Electronic Reporting”, “Reporting Calendar” tab.

Downloading from the STS

Downloading from the STS (State Tax Service) is the service created for retrieving all the accepted reports, which have been submitted to the State Tax Service by means of any service (for instance, taxpayer’s account, M.E.Doc, etc).

To download the report from the STS you should:

Log into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu, “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting” → “Download from STS”;

Log into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu, “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting” → “Download from STS”;

Select frequency;

Select frequency;

click “Download”, (to send your report to the Bank, tick that you give your consent to data processing);

click “Download”, (to send your report to the Bank, tick that you give your consent to data processing);

sign with any available qualified electronic signature (generated in PrivatBank, Tax office or M.E.Doc).

sign with any available qualified electronic signature (generated in PrivatBank, Tax office or M.E.Doc).

Reports have been successfully downloaded from the State Tax Service into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, and all the required documents have been transmitted to the Bank to analyze your financial statements.

Reports have been successfully downloaded from the State Tax Service into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, and all the required documents have been transmitted to the Bank to analyze your financial statements.

Watch the manual to learn more.

Downloading from the STS

Downloading from the STS (State Tax Service) is the service created for retrieving all the accepted reports, which have been submitted to the State Tax Service by means of any service (for instance, taxpayer’s account, M.E.Doc, etc).

To download the report from the STS you should:

  1. Log into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu, “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting” → “Download from STS”;
  2. Select frequency;
  3. click “Download”, (to send your report to the Bank, tick that you give your consent to data processing);
  4. sign with any available qualified electronic signature (generated in PrivatBank, Tax office or M.E.Doc).
  5. Reports have been successfully downloaded from the State Tax Service into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, and all the required documents have been transmitted to the Bank to analyze your financial statements.

Watch the manual to learn more.

Log into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu, “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting” → “Download from STS”; Select frequency; click “Download”, (to send your report to the Bank, tick that you give your consent to data processing); sign with any available qualified electronic signature (generated in PrivatBank, Tax office or M.E.Doc). Reports have been successfully downloaded from the State Tax Service into the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business”, and all the required documents have been transmitted to the Bank to analyze your financial statements.

How to generate and submit an electronic report online in the web-version of “Privat24 for Business?

<p>Step 1. Log into “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu “Accounting and Reporting” → <a href="https://otp24.privatbank.ua/?go_to=29" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">“Electronic Reporting”</a>,     here you can have the full list of various available types of reports, including tax reports and tax returns.</p>

Step 1. Log into “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting”, here you can have the full list of various available types of reports, including tax reports and tax returns.

<p>Step 2. Select the report you need, fill in the form, sign and submit. For signing your report you can use digital keys:</p> <p><a href="https://privatbank.ua/smart-id?gclid=CjwKCAiAzp6eBhByEiwA_gGq5C5QNUoLTMUpY1by43ojyzd31upiOjsTbnLujxCf0_kDVcmKF0ngJhoCY28QAvD_BwE">• cloud QES SmartID</a>;</p> <p><a href="https://otp24.privatbank.ua/?go_to=30" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">• PrivatBank KCAC</a>, which can be generated in “Privat24 for Business” (menu, “Settings” → “QES Keys”) or in mobile “Privat24 for Business” app (menu, “Settings” → “SmartID”);</p> <p><a href="https://acskidd.gov.ua/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">• KCAC STS</a>;</p> <p><a href="https://uakey.com.ua/page/esignature" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">• “ACSK Ukraine” (M.E.Doc)</a>.</p>

Step 2. Select the report you need, fill in the form, sign and submit. For signing your report you can use digital keys:

• cloud QES SmartID;

• PrivatBank KCAC, which can be generated in “Privat24 for Business” (menu, “Settings” → “QES Keys”) or in mobile “Privat24 for Business” app (menu, “Settings” → “SmartID”);


• “ACSK Ukraine” (M.E.Doc).

<p>Step 3. Obtain a digital receipt from the state authorities as a response, the receipt will demonstrate if your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.</p>

Step 3. Obtain a digital receipt from the state authorities as a response, the receipt will demonstrate if your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.

* If you have not connected the “Electronic Reporting” service yet, go to the menu, “Service Catalog”, select “Other” → “Accounting and Reporting” → menu, “Electronic Reporting”.

How to generate and submit an electronic report online in the web-version of “Privat24 for Business?

  1. Step 1. Log into “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting”, here you can have the full list of various available types of reports, including tax reports and tax returns.

  2. Step 2. Select the report you need, fill in the form, sign and submit. For signing your report you can use digital keys:

    • cloud QES SmartID;

    • PrivatBank KCAC, which can be generated in “Privat24 for Business” (menu, “Settings” → “QES Keys”) or in mobile “Privat24 for Business” app (menu, “Settings” → “SmartID”);

    • KCAC STS;

    • “ACSK Ukraine” (M.E.Doc).

  3. Step 3. Obtain a digital receipt from the state authorities as a response, the receipt will demonstrate if your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.

* If you have not connected the “Electronic Reporting” service yet, go to the menu, “Service Catalog”, select “Other” → “Accounting and Reporting” → menu, “Electronic Reporting”.

<p>Step 1. Log into “Privat24 for Business”, then go to the menu “Accounting and Reporting” → <a href="https://otp24.privatbank.ua/?go_to=29" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">“Electronic Reporting”</a>,     here you can have the full list of various available types of reports, including tax reports and tax returns.</p> <p>Step 2. Select the report you need, fill in the form, sign and submit. For signing your report you can use digital keys:</p> <p><a href="https://privatbank.ua/smart-id?gclid=CjwKCAiAzp6eBhByEiwA_gGq5C5QNUoLTMUpY1by43ojyzd31upiOjsTbnLujxCf0_kDVcmKF0ngJhoCY28QAvD_BwE">• cloud QES SmartID</a>;</p> <p><a href="https://otp24.privatbank.ua/?go_to=30" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">• PrivatBank KCAC</a>, which can be generated in “Privat24 for Business” (menu, “Settings” → “QES Keys”) or in mobile “Privat24 for Business” app (menu, “Settings” → “SmartID”);</p> <p><a href="https://acskidd.gov.ua/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">• KCAC STS</a>;</p> <p><a href="https://uakey.com.ua/page/esignature" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">• “ACSK Ukraine” (M.E.Doc)</a>.</p> <p>Step 3. Obtain a digital receipt from the state authorities as a response, the receipt will demonstrate if your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.</p>

How to generate a tax return in your mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”?

Private individuals, Group III
Private individuals, Groups I and II
Step 1. Log into the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”.

Step 1. Log into the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”.

Step 2. Go to the menu, “Services” → “Electronic Reporting”.

Step 2. Go to the menu, “Services” → “Electronic Reporting”.

Step 3. Click on the icon “+”.

Step 3. Click on the icon “+”.

Step 4. Select a report “Tax Return for payer of a single tax – (private individuals, group III)”.

Step 4. Select a report “Tax Return for payer of a single tax – (private individuals, group III)”.

Step 5. Fill in the indicated fields.

Step 5. Fill in the indicated fields.

Step 6. Sign and submit your tax return report to the state regulatory authorities.

Step 6. Sign and submit your tax return report to the state regulatory authorities.

Step 7. Obtain receipts from the state authorities as a response. In the receipt you will see whether your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.

Step 7. Obtain receipts from the state authorities as a response. In the receipt you will see whether your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.

  1. Step 1. Log into the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”.
  2. Step 2. Go to the menu, “Services” → “Electronic Reporting”.
  3. Step 3. Click on the icon “+”.
  4. Step 4. Select a report “Tax Return for payer of a single tax – (private individuals, group III)”.
  5. Step 5. Fill in the indicated fields.
  6. Step 6. Sign and submit your tax return report to the state regulatory authorities.
  7. Step 7. Obtain receipts from the state authorities as a response. In the receipt you will see whether your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.
Step 1. Log into the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”. Step 2. Go to the menu, “Services” → “Electronic Reporting”. Step 3. Click on the icon “+”. Step 4. Select a report “Tax Return for payer of a single tax – (private individuals, group III)”. Step 5. Fill in the indicated fields. Step 6. Sign and submit your tax return report to the state regulatory authorities. Step 7. Obtain receipts from the state authorities as a response. In the receipt you will see whether your report is accepted or rejected. If the report is rejected, the reason will be indicated in the receipt.

Online services of PrivatBank

Privat24 for Business

A tool for managing finances of your business .

Manage your money 24/7 anywhere in the world.

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SmartID – qualified electronic signature

SmartID – qualified electronic signature

SmartID is a qualified electronic signature that is an analogue of your handwritten signature. It is stored in secure cloud storage. It fully meets the requirements of the Law of Ukraine No. 2155 "On electronic trust services".

More details
Privat24 for Business

Privat24 for Business

A tool for managing finances of your business

Manage your money 24/7 anywhere in the world.

More details


A free exchange module for accounting programs in the Privat24 for Business for accounting and reporting with the same capabilities as in the "Autoclient" API. Integration with Paperless.

More details


Electronic document exchange for companies, entrepreneurs and individuals.

The Paperless service is available even without a PrivatBank account.

More details
Electronic document management (EDM)

Electronic document management (EDM)

Create and share documents online.

Registration of tax invoices in the Unified Register.

"Invoicing" in internet banking and in the Privat24 for Business mobile application.

Obtaining information on budget settlements.

More details


The service is intended for generating payments for invoices (invoicing) between legal entities and entrepreneurs in “Privat24 for Business”.

Instantly generate payments based on an invoice, payment details for the buyer and seller will be filled in automatically.

More details

What keys should be used for signing a tax report?

  • SmartID signature (you can get it for free). Learn more
  • File digital keys in KCAC of the JSC CB “PRIVATBANK”. The keys can be generated as follows: go to the Internet Banking “Privat24 for Business” → “Settings” → “Qualified electronic signature keys” or, if in the mobile “Privat24 for Business” app - go to the menu, “Settings” → “SmartID”.
  • Free signature keys which you can recieve in the KCAC (Key certification accreditation center) of the SFSU, STS (State Tax Service). The keys can be received on the SFSU official website or at the place where the legal entity or private individual was registered.
  • KCAC keys or the keys of the NBU “ACSC Ukraine” (M.E.Doc).

What is the price for sending the tax report via the “Electronic Reporting” Service?

PrivatBank customers can use the service absolutely for free.

How to operate an “Electronic Reporting” Service?

  • Step 1. Generate keys via the PrivatBank service, (in case you have no valid keys generated in Tax Office or KCAC “ACSC Ukraine”) go to “Privat24 for Business” → menu, “Settings” → “Electronic Digital Signature Keys” or generate your keys in mobile “Privat24 for Business” app → menu “Settings” → “SmartID”.
  • Step 2 Fill in the fields in the Settings. In the right upper corner click on the gear and enter the SFSU and the PFU codes (the options can be selected from the list). Manually, fill in all the fields in the settings. The data will automatically be transferred to the reports.
  • Step 3. You can immediately submit your reports. The report can be generated and submitted via the “Privat24 for Business”, in the menu, “Accounting and Reporting” → “Electronic Reporting” → “Generate a Report” → select the report type → “Edit” → fill in the data → “Save”.

If the term for your key registered in the Tax Office has expired, then you need to revoke the expired key. After the key is revoked, you can immediately send the report using the new key.

What services are available in the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”?

In the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business” you can view the reporting which has already been created, sign and submit it to the state regulatory authorities, obtain your receipts on the rejection or successful acceptance of your electronic report.

Where can I download the mobile version of “Privat24 for Business”?

The app can be downloaded here.