Additional information about SWIFT transfers

On this page you will find all the information on how to fill in the details correctly and what additional documents may be required to send or receive SWIFT transfers.

Information for senders of SWIFT transfers

Documents for sending a SWIFT transfer in foreign currency:

  • for citizens of Ukraine – a passport of a citizen of Ukraine or a document replacing it;
  • for foreign citizens – a national passport (with a note on the presence of a permanent residence permit) and a permanent residence permit in Ukraine for foreigners.

Details for sending a SWIFT transfer in foreign currency

To send a SWIFT transfer, you should have the following details:

  • name of the receiving bank;
  • SWIFT code of the receiving bank;
  • the recipient's account number (or international account number - IBAN);
  • name (for an individual – surname, first name) and address (residence) of the recipient;
  • purpose of transfer (purpose of transfer, invoice number);
  • details of the correspondent bank, if any (otherwise, the bank selects the transfer route according to the available directories).
  1. If payment for a product or service is made to a non-resident legal entity, it is necessary to indicate the name of the product or service, as well as the number and date of the invoice/contract on the basis of which you purchase the product or receive the service. It should be clear from the purpose of the transfer that the goods or services are intended for a private individual for personal use.
  2. In the case of sending a SWIFT transfer to Europe, the IBAN is mandatory.

Sending SWIFT transfers via Privat24 or a bank branch takes place during the business day (until 19:30). SWIFT transfers created after 19:30 and on weekends will be sent on the next business day.

How to check if a SWIFT transfer has been sent?

The protocol for sending a SWIFT transfer is automatically sent to the e-mail address you specified at the Bank. If you did not specify it, you can download the protocol via Privat24 ("Services - Transfers - SWIFT - Transfer archive” menu) or contact the support service for SWIFT transfers using the following communication channels:

  • +38 (073) 900 00 04 (from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) – dedicated telephone line;
  • – e-mail box for customer inquiries;
  • +38 (073) 900 00 02 - 24/7 Premium support.

Rules for transferring foreign currency abroad for residents

A resident is a person who permanently resides on the territory of Ukraine, even if this person is temporarily abroad.

The list of documents confirming that private individuals- residents have grounds for making a transfer outside of Ukraine:

  • agreements (contracts);
  • invoices;
  • settlement letters or notification letters of non-resident legal entities, authorized bodies of foreign countries;
  • letters from lawyers or notaries of foreign countries;
  • claims, invitations.

Supporting documents must have the following details:

  • full name (for a private individual – surname, first name) and location of the recipient;
  • the name of the bank and details of the account to which the transfer is made;
  • foreign currency name, amount to be paid;
  • transfer purpose.

Private individuals – residents may transfer foreign currency outside of Ukraine in favor of private individuals and legal entities:

  • in the amount, the equivalent of which does not exceed 400,000 hryvnias for one business day, from a current account in foreign currency without supporting documents (provided there are no signs of risk);
  • in an amount equivalent to more than UAH 400,000 in one business day, only from a current account in foreign currency based on supporting documents.

You do not need to go to a branch to send a SWIFT transfer from a hryvnia account for an amount greater than UAH 400,000 equivalent. We will independently prepare all the necessary documents for buying foreign currency, and all you have to do is sign them using Privat24.

  • An account for crediting currency will be opened automatically if you send funds from a hryvnia account.
  • We will independently prepare an application for the purchase of foreign currency, and all you have to do is sign it.
  • SWIFT transfer is sent automatically.

Rules for transferring foreign currency abroad for non-residents

A non-resident is a person who has a permanent place of residence outside of Ukraine.

  1. The transfer of foreign currency abroad by a private individual - non-resident is carried out provided that there are documents confirming the legality of the non-resident's stay on the territory of Ukraine (a valid visa, as well as documents confirming the source of the funds).
  2. To make a transfer, a private individual submits an identity document and a payment instruction to the bank.
  3. Non-resident individuals are allowed to transfer funds outside of Ukraine based on documents confirming the source of the foreign currency.
  4. SWIFT transfer of foreign currency from a private individual abroad can be carried out for non-commercial transactions and does not apply to transfers related to business activities.

Information for recipients of SWIFT transfers

Please check the details of additional fees charged by intermediary banks.

  1. Please note that intermediary banks that participated in the transfer may charge additional fees. When sending a transfer from abroad, we recommend specifying the type of commission - OUR.
  2. To speed up settlements for international transfers in favor of PrivatBank customers, it is necessary to use PrivatBank correspondent accounts in correspondent banks.

Correspondent Banks

Rules for crediting foreign currency from abroad to an account in PrivatBank

When creating a SWIFT transfer, the sender must carefully fill in the following fields:

  • full name and address of the recipient (including zip code);
  • transfer purpose.

If the sender is a private individual, it is necessary to specify to whom the transfer is sent. In the case of a transfer to a relative, it is necessary to indicate the degree of kinship (private transfer to a brother, father, etc.).

If the sender is a legal entity, it is necessary to specify what the transfer is for (salary, royalties, etc.).

In the absence of mandatory details, the transfer will not be credited until the details are clarified.

  1. A transfer to a private individual's account can be made for non-commercial transactions and does not apply to transfers related to investment or business activities.
  2. To ensure prompt crediting of the transfer, we recommend that you agree on the currency with the sender – it must be the same as the currency of your card. If you do not have an account in the currency you wish to receive the transfer in, it is preferable that it be sent in US Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR).

Please pay attention! To credit a transfer with incorrect details, banks may engage in reclamation correspondence, with the commission fee being deducted from the transfer amount. Please make sure you have provided the recipient with the correct personal information/details! We advise you to follow these forms of providing details for receiving transfers in foreign currency to your account.