SWIFT Transfers

SWIFT transfers are a convenient way to receive funds from abroad to the account of an individual.

Auto-conversion service in US dollars, euros, British pounds, Polish zlotys, Swiss francs, etc. to a hryvnia account.
Generating payment details by means of Privat24.
Favorable rates for crediting SWIFT transfers.
Fast transfers enabled by SWIFT gpi technology.

Section How do SWIFT transfers work under martial law conditions?

Section How do SWIFT transfers work under martial law conditions?

Crediting of SWIFT transfers to PrivatBank cards is carried out in standard mode.

You can receive SWIFT transfers from friends, relatives and acquaintances, payments of fees for IT services, wages, social or charitable payments, etc.

Із запитаннями щодо SWIFT-переказів ви можете звертатися через такі

You can contact us regarding questions on SWIFT transfers using the following communication channels

+38 (073) 900 00 04 (from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) – dedicated telephone line;

swift@privatbank.ua – e-mail box for customer inquiries;

+38 (073) 900 00 02 – 24/7 Premium support

Tariff for receiving

Hryvnia accounts
Foreign currency accounts
Crediting to hryvnia accountsCash withdrawal
Payment card Not charged Not charged
"Universal" card Not charged From personal funds on the "Universal" card - 1% of the withdrawal amount.
From loan funds – according to the card tariff
Current account of a private individual Not charged 1% of the withdrawal amount, minimum UAH 5
Premium cards Not charged View tariffs
Internet card Not charged Cash withdrawal is not provided (there is an option to transfer funds to another card)
Crediting to foreign currency accountsCash withdrawal
Payment card 1% of the transfer amount Not charged
"Universal" card Not charged 1% of the withdrawal amount
Current account of a private individual Not charged 1% of the withdrawal amount, minimum - equivalent to 1 unit of currency in UAH at the NBU rate
Premium cards Not charged View tariffs
Internet card 1% of the transfer amount Cash withdrawal is not provided (there is an option to transfer funds to another card)

Rules for making money transfers via the SWIFT system


Full agreement (effective from 20.12.2024)


Full agreement (effective from 20.01.2023 to 19.12.2024)


Full agreement (effective from 30.07.2021 to 19.01.2023)

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Exchange rates for SWIFT transfers

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Currency PurchaseSale

How to get a SWIFT transfer?

How to get a SWIFT transfer?

Step 1. Provide the sender with the details of your account where the money will be credited. You can find them in Privat24.

Step 2. The SWIFT transfer will be automatically credited to your card/account (provided there are no signs of risk).

To receive SWIFT transfers in Swiss francs, British pounds, Polish zlotys, you need to have a current account of an individual in the relevant currency and indicate this account in the details for crediting.

If you want to receive cash in foreign currency at a bank branch, we recommend ordering it in advance to the nearest bank branch.

Privat24 for SWIFT transfers

Get the details for crediting a SWIFT transfer via the Privat24 mobile application, which you can download right now:

Additional features

On this page, you can find information about additional conditions for receiving SWIFT transfers.

Important information

On this page, you can find information about additional conditions for receiving SWIFT transfers.
More details
IBAN - is an international bank account number. Its purpose is to simplify operations between banks of different countries. This is the standard bank account system in the EU countries.

What is IBAN ?

IBAN - is an international bank account number. Its purpose is to simplify operations between banks of different countries. This is the standard bank account system in the EU countries.
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PrivatBank cooperates with the largest maritime companies

Services for seafarers and their families

PrivatBank cooperates with the largest maritime companies
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We offer shipping and crewing companies an innovative technology for currency payments, allowing for quick, profitable and safe payment of wages in one lump sum to Ukrainian seafarers, repair crews or office employees of the company.

For maritime and crewing companies

We offer shipping and crewing companies an innovative technology for currency payments, allowing for quick, profitable and safe payment of wages in one lump sum to Ukrainian seafarers, repair crews or office employees of the company.
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It is easy to receive payments from GOOGLE AdSense to your PrivatBank account.

Transfers from GOOGLE AdSense

It is easy to receive payments from GOOGLE AdSense to your PrivatBank account.
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Why was the foreign currency payment not received in full? What bank charged the commission?

PrivatBank credits payments according to the card or account tariff and does not charge any additional commission fees for this operation. All payment commissions are charged by correspondent banks. The type of commission payment chosen by the sender is also important:

  • OUR type – commission fee is paid by the sender;
  • SHA type – the sender pays the expenses of the payment sender, the expenses of the payment recipient are paid by the recipient;
  • BEN type – all costs for the payment are paid by the recipient.

How to find out what foreign bank charged a SWIFT payment commission fee?

This can only be known for certain if the correspondent bank sends a direct request to pay the commission fee, but in most cases the commission fee is debited without such a request. If the sender has selected the BEN or SHA payment type, you can see the commission amount in the payment receipt report.

Sender bears the costs of the payment (commission type - OUR). Why was the commission for costs still charged?

This is possible if the transfer is between two American banks. If the transfer goes through the domestic US wire transfer system, the correspondent bank may change the commission type information to non-priority. To avoid such a problem in the future, we advise the sender (if he is a private individual) to use the free SWIFT-TO-CHEQUE service. In this case, the beneficiary is guaranteed to receive the full amount of the transfer by check.

Where can I ask questions about SWIFT transfers for private individuals?

You can contact us regarding questions on SWIFT transfers using the following communication channels:

+38 (073) 900 00 04 (from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) – dedicated telephone line;

swift@privatbank.ua –  e-mail box for customer inquiries;

+38 (073) 900 00 02 – 24/7 Premium support.

What countries are not available for sending/receiving SWIFT transfers?

Countries/territories with an unacceptably high level of risk:

  1. Republic of Belarus
  2. Republic of Iraq
  3. Islamic Republic of Iran
  4. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  5. Republic of Cuba
  6. Republic of Nicaragua
  7. Syrian Arab Republic
  8. Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Burma)
  9. Russian Federation
  10. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  11. Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
  12. Democratic Republic of Congo
  13. Federal Republic of Somalia
  14. Republic of South Sudan
  15. Republic of the Sudan
  16. Republic of Yemen
  17. Republic of Zimbabwe
  18. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
  19. State of Eritrea
  20. Autonomous Republic of Crimea
  21. Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
  22. Republic of Abkhazia
  23. Republic of South Ossetia
  24. Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
  25. Republic of Kosovo

Please pay attention!  Residents of these countries are also not allowed to send/receive transfers.

Is the Bank allowed to request supporting documents for a transfer amount that does not exceed the equivalent of UAH 400,000?

Yes. When conducting additional analysis, the Bank is allowed to request supporting documents. The procedure for analysis and verification of documents is regulated by Resolution of the NBU No. 8 dated January 2, 2019 "Regulation on the procedure for analysis and verification of documents (information) on currency transactions by authorized institutions."

What supporting documents are required to make a transfer to a private individual's account?

Documents confirming family ties:

  • marriage certificate;
  • birth certificate;
  • divorce certificate;
  • paternity certificate;
  • surname and first name change certificate;
  • adoption/guardianship documents.

The following documents are required depending on the relationship:

  • husband, wife - the sender's marriage certificate;
  • parents - birth certificate of the sender;
  • children - birth certificate of the recipient;
  • grandmother, grandfather - birth certificate of the sender, birth certificate of the sender's father;
  • great-grandmother, great-grandfather - the sender's birth certificate, the sender's father's birth certificate, the birth certificate of the person who is the recipient's child;
  • grandchildren - birth certificate of the sender's children, birth certificate of the recipient;
  • great-grandchildren - birth certificate of the sender's children, birth certificate of the sender's grandchildren, recipient's birth certificate;
  • brother, sister - sender's birth certificate, recipient's birth certificate;
  • cousins - sender's birth certificate, sender's father's birth certificate, recipient's father's birth certificate, recipient's birth certificate;
  • aunt, uncle - sender's birth certificate, sender's father's birth certificate, recipient's birth certificate;
  • niece, nephew - sender's birth certificate, recipient's parents' birth certificate, recipient's birth certificate;
  • stepfather, stepmother - child's birth certificate and marriage certificate concerning marriage with father/mother;
  • stepson, stepdaughter – birth certificate and marriage certificate concerning marriage with father/mother;
  • adopter, adopted - court decision on adoption of a child;
  • a guardian or custodian, a person under guardianship - documents on guardianship (decision of the guardianship authority).

If the surname and first name have been changed, it is necessary to additionally provide a surname and first name change certificate, marriage certificate, paternity certificate, etc. (according to the reasons for the change).

What is the list of countries for additional consideration when deciding whether to send or credit a SWIFT transfer?

What is IBAN needed for?

International account numbers are necessary to improve the efficiency of SWIFT payments. The use of IBAN reduces payment delays and helps simplify and reduce the cost of settlements with other countries.

Can the card number be specified in the IBAN?

Yes. The IBAN number may indicate either the card number or the card account 2620.

Why does the IBAN indicate account number 2620 and not the card number?

Account 2620 is the account number for your card. When a transfer is received, it is credited to your card.

How can foreign shipping companies pay out money earned during a voyage?

SWIFT payments are ideal for transferring funds in foreign currency from overseas shipping companies, as well as for money transfers from relatives or friends. 

How to get details for crediting a SWIFT transfer?

  • In Privat24: use the “Services – Transfers – SWIFT – Details” menu or open the “Wallet” menu, select the card to receive the details, and click “Card details – Card replenishment method – SWIFT payment” (free).
  • At the SST: "My settings - Get details” menu (to e-mail free of charge).
  • At the ATM: “Other operations – My settings – More settings – Card replenishment details” menu.
  • In a bank branch (ordering a certificate costs UAH 100). 

Where will the funds be credited if there is no foreign currency account?

If you do not have an account in the currency of the received transfer (except US dollars, euros) or the account is not specified in the details during the transfer, the money is automatically sold at the PrivatBank rate and credited to your account in the national currency. Payments sent in Japanese yen, Norwegian kroner and Czech kroner will be credited to your account in the national currency at the Bank's exchange rate.