According to rating agency "Standard-Rating", PrivatBank is characterised by very high solvency compared to other Ukrainian banks.

The rating committee of rating agency "Standard-Rating" informed that the PJSC CB "PrivatBank" long-term credit rating is confirmed at the uaAA level. A bank with a uaAA rating is characterised by very high solvency compared to other Ukrainian banks. The national scale short-term credit rating of PJSC CB "PrivatBank" according to the the agency is confirmed at the level uaK1. The deposit rating of PJSC CB "PrivatBank" is confirmed at the highest level - ua.1.

As noted in the "Standard-Rating" press release, the decision on the ratings of PJSC CB "PrivatBank" was made after analysis of the Bank's results for 2016, confirmed by the independent auditor, preliminary results of the Bank's work in the first quarter of 2017 published by the National Bank of Ukraine, and also statistical reporting for January-April 2017.

Having assessed PrivatBank’s equity position, the agency believes that participation of the Ukrainian state in the capital of PJSC CB "PrivatBank" is a basis for the stable functioning of the banking system. The strategic role of PJSC CB "PrivatBank" for the country is confirmed by additional capitalization of the Bank by UAH 107 billion in December 2016 and by UAH 9.8 billion in February 2017. Another additional capitalization by UAH 38.5 billion, confirmed by the Ministry of Finance, has been announced to take place in the summer of 2017.

As reported by the Agency’s experts, PJSC CB "PrivatBank" is well provided with liquidity and has a high level of external support from the shareholder in the form of the Ukrainian state. The Bank’s activity in the first quarter of 2017, according to preliminary data, was profitable and the Bank’s management achieved a significant reduction in interest expenses and surplus of interest income over expenses.

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