On December 17th, 2020, the Supervisory Board appointed Razvan Munteanu to the position of Deputy Chairperson of PrivatBank’s Management Board for Business Development.

Razvan Munteanu joined PrivatBank’s team of top managers as Director of Business Development in October. In this new key position in the bank's structure, Razvan Munteanu will lead PrivatBank’s financial and other services for all clients, both individuals and legal entities.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Sharon Easky welcomes the new and important addition to the Management Board: “One of our top strategic initiatives is to ensure that PrivatBank provides world class services to our Retail and SME clients. Razvan Munteanu is an experienced banker and strong leader with an ability to take the best of PrivatBank and make it better for the benefit of our 22 million clients.”

Razvan Munteanu is a well-known European banker who once led the launch of Mastercard’s acquiring and card payments businesses in Europe, the development of the card business at Citi Bank and of the retail business at Raiffeisen Bank International. He has IT education and more than 20 years of unique experience in the development of cashless infrastructure and retail banking in various European countries.

Prior to joining the PrivatBank team, Razvan Munteanu was the CEO of the European banking group Addiko Bank, which specializes in servicing private clients and small businesses.

It should be reminded that the position of the Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board for Business Development was approved in the updated structure of PrivatBank's Management Board in December 2020.

Razvan Munteanu

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